Golden Intersection of Timelines
Counting Down to a Historic Moment!
The Golden Intersection of Timelines is a once-in-a-lifetime cosmic event occurring on October 14–15, 2025. This harmonic convergence marks a profound alignment between multiple calendrical systems, mathematical constants, and cosmic cycles, orchestrated by the Golden Ratio. As we approach this pivotal moment, we invite you to synchronize with natural time, embrace the rhythm of the universe, and join a global movement toward a new era of consciousness and unity.
Remaining Days Until the Golden Intersection of Timelines
Learn More about the Golden Intersection of Timeslines
Inheritance of Humanity
BEAUTY & HARMONY Present in Nature’s Design
There is an underlying harmonic pattern behind all Creation. From the shape of the galaxies, to the way water flows, to sunflowers, to pinecones, to the structure of our own DNA.
TIME IS A SPIRAL. The word SPIRAL and the word SPIRIT have the same root, serving us an invitation to observe and notice that Consciousness, or Spirit, moves in a SPIRAL fashion. With the purpose of simplifying and universalizing the comprehension of this organizing principle we, are defining it as “THE HARMONIC FACTOR.”
The Elegant Mathematical Principle
Orchestrating Intelligence behind the fabric of SPACE, LIFE & TIME!
This mathematical constant, also known as the “PHI ratio” or “Divine Proportion”, is present in the natural unfoldment of forms across the universe and is reflected in the Fibonacci numerical sequence.
Along this sequence (0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 144, 233…), each number is in a Golden Proportion relationship with its predecessor and holds the harmonic resonance of the PHI ratio. This mathematical constant, present across the whole fabric of Creation, is defined as the Number 1.618033.
On this website we will explore, study and track the synchronizations between multiple calendar systems using the Golden Proportion and the Fibonacci sequence as our frame of reference. This framework allows us to make conscious the inherent elegance, beauty, and order behind the fabric of time and the “synchronic order” and enter into resonance with the universal patterns and cycles in Nature.

We can describe this principle as the “LOVE INTELLIGENCE” that reflects the perfect balance between ART and NUMBER (HEART and MIND) and engenders the organic processes of growth in Nature…
“The Golden Proportion is the key to a fuller understanding of phenomenal unfolding – for it manifests in organic forms such as seashells and pinecones, as well as our own DNA. The involuting spiral of consciousness – the unfolding of the spiritual flower – this is what the Golden Proportion describes.” – John Major Jenkins
Nature By Numbers
The Golden Ratio & Fibonacci Numbers
Here is a short film by Cristóbal Vila that explores the mathematical patterns found in nature. It is a reminder that we are all connected to something much larger than ourselves.
The Harmonic Calendar
We are nearing the stART of the Blue Rhythmic Storm Year! For this 9th edition of the 13-Month, 28-Day Harmonic Synchronometer (measure. of sychronicity), we continue to emphasize the 13:20 (260) galactic or human gestation and the 13:28 (364) solar-lunar or human fertility timing frequencies which synchronize on a 52-year basis. According to this, everyone has a galactic signature frequency based on their ‘first breath.’
It is important to note that 2024-2025 marks 441+1 (442) years since the Gregorian calendar went into effect on October 15, 1582. 441 is a factor of 21 x 21, and the inverse of 144 or 12 x 12. This +1 year serves as the threshold to a new, transformative beginning, and the catalyzation of a shared, unitive consciousness. This year also sets the stage for the Golden Intersection of Timelines occurring in October 2025.
With harmonic and timing factors such as these, may we clearly see the opportunity to consciously and telepathically collaborate with Earth, the whole living being having noöspheric intelligence of galactic proportions.
A NEW TIME (r)evolution
Life is NOW bringing us an opportunity to evolve.
This (r)evolution only requires from us that we make a NEW TIME resolution: to change our calendar. Every DAY, with every decision we make, we are CREATING THE FUTURE. This is thus a time to make NEW choices and adopt NEW INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS including the calendar we use. YES, to change the calendar is to affect a profound and fundamental SYSTEMATIC change in human consciousness. Only a SYSTEMATIC change in consciousness will bring about the creative solutions our world so sorely needs today. By changing the calendar we use every day, we will change our everyday consciousness and establish a new time on Earth.
May we co-creatively participate in a higher order of being, operating on behalf of the whole planet and all planetary kin. NOW is the TIME to ARTfully reorient ourselves into sync with Nature’s Cosmic TIMING and RHYTHM, and by so doing, we become part of the larger grand SYMPHONY of LIFE, EVOLVING and EXPRESSING Itself with each MEASURE and every MOVEMENT. This is the mission. This is a glimpse into what Living in Tune to Natural Time is all about!
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The Human Being
A Reflection of the PATTERNS of the COSMOS
Women have the ability to produce an egg every 28 DAYS (13 in TOTAL during ONE Solar orbit). Once an egg is fertilized, a NEW Human Being starts to emerge from it. This process takes approximately 260 DAYS. This updated version of the calendar also includes a daily reference to the 260-DAY Tzolkin, also known as the 13:20 Harmonic Module.
This TIME Matrix of 260 DAYS serves as a gauge to track and measure the cycle of Human Gestation, and is a fractal of a larger cycle of the Earth: the 26,000-YEAR cycle known as the “Precession of the Equinoxes.” In simple words: the 13-Moon, 28-Day calendar is a harmonic standard of measure for the Human Fertility cycles, and the Tzolkin/13:20 Matrix is a harmonic standard of measure for the Human Gestation cycles. Together, the 13:20 and 13:28 natural timing frequencies are the coordinating forces behind LIFE on Earth.
Latest Medium Article
SPECIAL REPORT: Harmonic Entrance to the “Golden Intersection of Timelines”
“Global civilization is not experiencing a political crisis nor an economic crisis — it is experiencing a crisis of evolution. Such a crisis can only be solved by the exercise of the higher spiritual will. We are the people exercising that will. We are the people who dare to step out of the land of shadows and false dreams into the light of truth and declare that if we continue to act as we are now acting then we shall never change and it will be too late. By exercising our higher spiritual will we are the voice of evolution. We have solved the crisis: We know who we are! We are the next stage of evolution!”
— José Argüelles / Valum Votan
2025: 13 YEARS FROM 2012
According to the advanced Maya Time Science, on December 21st, 2024 we completed 12 solar orbits from crossing the 13-BAKTUN Event Horizon of the of the Ancient Maya Long Count…
“We are part of a Larger Plan of Cosmic Evolution” — Jose Arguelles
We are living extraordinary times on Earth. For the past years we have been exploring and documenting the collective evolutionary journey of humanity as a species. With the exponential growth of artificial intelligence and the escalating geopolitical tensions around the world, our planet has been…
“En la Religión Universal, una profecía cumplida, cumple TODAS las profecías, un modelo mítico realizado, realiza TODOS los modelos míticos, una búsqueda espiritual completada, completa TODAS las búsquedas espirituales…” — José Argüelles / Valum Votan
Al publicar esta entrada, estamos completando los primeros 260 días desde que cerramos un hito FRACTAL PROFÉTICO CLAVE en…
“In the Universal Religion, one prophecy fulfilled, fulfills ALL prophecies, one mythic template realized, realizes ALL mythic templates, one spiritual search completed, completes ALL spiritual searches…” — José Argüelles / Valum Votan
As we write this entry, we are closing a KEY PROPHETIC FRACTAL milestone across the fabric of Time-Space…
Latest YouTube Videos
Oct 7, 2024
The Galactic Spin Podcast | Ep. 01 Breaking Free From The Zero-Sum Game
For over 400 years, humanity has been trapped in a zero-sum mentality driven by artificial time, fostering competition, scarcity, and disconnection from each other and Nature. By realigning with the natural cycles of time, we can reclaim personal balance and cultivate noöspheric…
Oct 05, 2023
In this special broadcast, recorded on October 5, 2023 (NS1., like-minded/analog kin Mikuak Rai (Kin 126) and Ruben Llinas (Kin 113) of The Harmonic Factor discuss the MAJOR 10-DAY PORTAL leading up to the annular solar eclipse on October 14, 2023 (NS1., Day 25 of the ...
Jul 16, 2023
GOING GALACTIC in the Year of W.O.W.!!!
TUNE IN for GOING GALACTIC in the Year of W.O.W. with Ruben Llinas & Mikuak Rai of FNC (Foundation for Noöspheric Consciousness)/The Harmonic Factor, reflecting upon multiple layers of consequence, as we complete 14 T’zolkins (3,640 kin) and approach, in 10 days’ time, the 10-year marker of…

Our open petition
Call for Calendar Change & Universal World Peace
Help us make the shift from harm to harmony. Please click here to sign the open petition at for Calendar Referendum 2028 & Declaration of Universal World Peace.
Our Sister Sites
Explore a Multi-dimensional UNIVERSE of TIME!
Home of the 13-Month, 28-Day Calendar Awareness Campaign. The 13 Month-28 Day calendar is based on the accurate measure of our biological cycles and the astronomical cycles of the Earth and the Moon.
What can we learn from Venus and Earth relationships across the fabric of TIME and SPACE? We invite you to attune back to the harmony of the cycles of the Moon, Venus, and Earth.
Learn the truth about our current civil calendar and get to know how its use has affected the way we think, feel, and behave, and has caused a disconnection from our organic relationship with TIME.